Examination Ordinances

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  • Examination Ordinances

About Rayat Shikshan Santha's

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, is one of the largest educational institutions in the Asia. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil founded Rayat Shikshan Sanstha in 1919 with a noble objective of bringing the socially and economically backward class in the mainstream by means of education. Government of India conferred on him “Padmbhushan Award” for his enormous contribution in the field of education. Presently the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha has been conducting a total of 751 branches including 42 collages, 441 secondary schools, 7 training collages, 52 primary schools (English medium-24), 42 pre-primary schools (English medium-28), 91 hostels, 7 administrative offices, 8 Ashramshala, 3 I.T.I., 52 ancillary branches and 1 research institute.

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